WOW!!!! Two dates in one week we are living the high life now * laughs*
We went to see Transformers on the first date and if you are wondering "why?" go back to The Queen blog and know that Marty decided it was his turn to see a movie. It was a good movie that I did somewhat enjoy but I ended sitting next to a very rude, neurotic lady. I would go further into detail but won't for fear of disgracing myself in the process. I can tell you it was a doozy and by the end I wanted to tell her she owed me 9 dollars but didn't.
Tonight we went to dinner and Costco * I know,I know how sad is that..... I got a new spice rack there though and I am happy with that. It still was nice to be together without the kids for a little bit. I am missing them now though.
Here are your funny kid stories for the week:
Conner " SIs, is really the funny one around here she is such a silly girl"
Marty and I chuckle and Marty says " Conner you are funny when you are not trying to be funny buddy" isn't that the truth
Elizabeth and I were having a discussion about her room ( most of you know that she is famous for the state it usually is in) and I tell her it is "OK" that it is sometimes messy because that is what little girls do but that we need to clean it up when we are done with it. She smiles and says "That's what Tigger's do best is make messes and I am a Tigger" seriously my kids know how to crack me up to get out of things.
We had a minor crisis when she threw a book at Conner last night when they were supposed to be in bed. It was this book:
Which is a rather large book and so she gave him a bloody fat lip. Apparently, she wasn't mad and she was trying to be funny and he was coming in to take her Nintendo DS. He was crying and she was crying and I told them that this is why I put them to bed and expect them to stay there.