J J J is for Julie, U U U are Unique, L love you oh so truly, I watch you every week.... Those are the lyrics to the
Julie Brown show on MTV ( if you click on that name you can hear the song). I grew up in the MTV generation, back when MTV played videos.
Then of course there was this
Julie Brown (wubba, wubba, wubba, Goodbye and God bless) who earned me years of people calling me Downtown Julie Brown. Thank goodness my friend Lloyd decided I was too uptown to be downtown. So I am actually Uptown Julie Brown.
I started watching MTV from its inception. I guess having a sister 8 years old is the reason for that. It was always on in our house. I watched MTV faithfully until I was about 21 years old.
I am putting the inevitable off, so we are up to 9th grade in the series now. I can't really tell you about anything that takes me back more than this guy. It's mortifying to type this words out, be kind dear reader, be kind.
Before there was the Jersey Shore, there was Pauly Shore!
Pauly Shore, the comedian, skinny guy, the stony,crusty, dude with the mop on top. I have to tell you, I spent my 9th grade year obsessed with him. It pains me to say this but my faithful long time reader Lenice, would call me on the carpet for lying if I didn't admit it. She spent her 9th grade year in English class listening to me cry, yell and laugh about this guy. If my grammar and puncuation pains you, blame Pauly Shore and Mr.Roswell for indulging me.
( I used to have this poster on my wall)
I would run home from school everyday to watch his show "Totally Pauly" on MTV. Of course, I taped everyone to watch over and over again.
That's how his show went. Pretty silly and rather dumb but I loved it.( and I never did drugs, so yes I watched these completely sober)
I once called into a radio show on KROQ ( The Poorman Show with Poorman) and cried the entire time I talked to Pauly. He and Poorman sent me a hat with his autograph on it.
My sister took me to see Pauly live at Cal State Fullerton, I hobbled on crutches to get front row. Pauly had to stop his show because I was flipping out. He came and gave me a hug and told me, I was too young for him. It was a highlight.
I used to tell all my friends I would marry Pauly Shore and name our kids Shellsonthesea Shore..etc.., If you don't know this yet, I had the best friends in high school. They adored me and coddled me, they let me get away with some zany stuff. They were the best. They even came to my " Pauly Shore Wedding Party" where we dressed up and watched episodes of Totally Pauly. If you dig hard enough on Facebook, you may find a picture of said event.
I won tickets to see a premier of Encino Man at my local theater and won all kinds of cool prizes. I went to see Son In Law with my friend Rube at the drive in. Oh, they were good times. The Pauly days were some of the funniest times in my life. I can't tell you what I was thinking but I can tell you, it was fun.
I found a video on Youtube of
Pauly Shore himself explaining his show. It's a great video but he says a bad word and since this is a family blog, I can't put it on here. Definitely worth a view to hear him explain the history of the show.
Pauly Shore faded into oblivion for me and I moved on. I had to share, even if it meant admitting something I really didn't want to admit. It was MAJ ooor and definitely something that takes me back.