I cannot believe it has already been a month since we started the blog a day challenge. It has gone so fast and I guess the old saying rings true this month. Time has flown and it has been fun( well, most days it has been fun, others have been more stressful). I am proud that all three of us made it through without missing a day and for three busy mom's there is something to be said for that. I feel that I have made two new friends this month and maybe some of my existing friends got to know me a little bit better.
Last week sometime Marty and I were talking and the challenge came up and of course he laughed at me. Then I told him about Di, Andrea and the blogs. He asked me if I talked about him in the blog and I told him "Yes, but you already knew that remember, that is why you don't read it in the first place." Then I told him about this blog where Andrea's husband called her "dirty hippie" and read him the blog where they tried to put up the tree. I told him about Di's Honeybaked ham blog on day in the store when he mentioned he wanted to get one for us.
I have had more than one friend talk to me this month about the blogs. One friend told me how much she was enjoying them, the other told me she is just not into the "blog thing" and another told me she felt like she was learning more about me. A big Thank you to Di for blogging about the idea in the first place and for encouraging me daily, Andrea gets thanks for encouragement too. Now I am left to wonder if I will still think I need to blog everyday and if I will need to break this habit or keep it going. Only time will tell..............................