Well let me fill you in: I am home now from my extended stay down south. Got there and helped watch out for Grandpa so everyone else could work alittle. Had good news about Grandma and she came of the vent. Saw her and she was laughing and joking. The next day went to see her with Grandpa and then they told my aunts she would never recover. They made plans to get her home so she could be there and be comfortable. Grandpa was so happy to have her home he shaved and put on aftershave. Got her home and had this great talk with my Grandpa about life and needing to take care of my own family. I felt selfish to Marty and the kids so I came home and then was home 1 night got up this morning and Grandpa is now in the hospital with Pnuemonia on top of his Emphysema. This is all on top of my Dad having a weak heart, My best friend having a heart attack and my other best friend telling me her heart is not good, and my uncle having colon cancer. Anymore I think I will explode. I think I need to join the gym and let off some of the stress. I know God spoke to my heart and told me I had a rough road ahead but this was more than I could have ever imagined. I am growing in God and trusting in him. Romans 11:1 and Psalm 23